I got my vacations approved so this Juxy we can spend two weeks all together chilling somewhere. Should it be again Hawaii or maybe should we have something more of an adventure and do a rafting trip somewhere in Montana? I'd better go to California, the place we've seen the few years ago, when Natali broke her foot. Food in places like that is usually superior. California sucks the weather is too hot and the ocean is too cold and beaches are full of bums then Hawaii? 🤮 🤮 🤮. forest cabin in montana. for each. 300 feet apart then there is no reason of having such vacations together. you can spend couple of weeks in a cabin and then join us in California. I promise we'll find this time a nice place without any bums with lots of shade on the beach and a warm pool ok, one week. if somebody wakes me up before 12 a.m. she gonna die sounds cool, I'd join in :) ok, ok is Anrew coming with us? don't see why he should not at least there will be somebody not so boring I'm sorry I'm afraid I won't be able to take vacation in July :((((( so California wins and we're to prepare ourselves for the trip ok, here we go: -sunglasses, spare sunglasses, spare spare sunglasses -beach shoes -sun shelter -inflatable mattress that's what we usually forget beach mats the old one has big hole on top you fix? you buy new scuba stuff!!! so you managed to take it in July? hey, you're supposed to create new topic for that, remember - one problem per topic! I hear and obey, your administrative majesty, please find new topic under link