since the mid school, time to time I happened to observe puzzled faces of my to be friends when to the question about my denomination I was answering that I didn't have any. Usually it wasn't a big problem and I didn't pay much attention to it - people who I wanted to be close to usually just didn't care. And seemed like this doesn't really bother anybody until I went on facebook. No, I didn't join religious or atheist fanatics groups - all were seemingly safe ones about psychology or philosophy. But anyway, good deal of questions were related to god's existence and few times in a couple of days I trapped into lengthy chats going like \n -if there is no god how you could exist -if there is no proof of god's existence then there is no god so, to get out of this cycle let's clarify what do we mean under 'god' and 'exist'. And let's start with latter as it seems to be the simpler case. The wikipedia comes to the rescue and defines \n Existence as the ability of an entity to interact with physical or mental reality. That is when something exists it can alter other objects. Like when we say that a stone exists it's because light is reflected and thus altered by the stone then alters receptors in the eyes and then a model of the stone is built in our brain by altering its neurons. \n Then comes the god. In fact myriads of them so it's really impossible to give any precise definition but for the purpose of the current discussion it can be defined as something what brought this world into existence and then keeps managing it. The management aspect is actually what distinguishes a god form the nature - it is supposed to change the course of events in response to the behaviour of its subjects. Like when you pray for a candy and it appears right in front of you on a little nice saucer. So given above definitions, a proof of god's existence would be reproducible (at least in more than 50% cases) and independently confirmed (a candy should be tasted by more than one person) delivery of objects into this world. But there are apparently problems with this - not only candies but even the user guides aka sacred scriptures are never delivered in written but narrated by an often invisible messenger. \n\n The usual answer to this is that god's wisdom can't be comprehended by mortals and if it finds sending explicit guides unnecessary, then we must suffice with second-hand written and many times rewritten by humans stories. And due to this situation, humans, by sheer god's will, produced thousands of varying gods reflections in their brains. Whatever the explanation is (like it's because god tries its followers, gives them freedom to choose and so on…) the point is that there are effectively as many god's models as heads capable of thinking about it. Remember the definition of a stone's existence? We have a model of it in our heads, depending on eyes sharpness it can be more or less accurate but we can always take it and check its correctness. But there is no way to proof that a god you have in your head is correct. It still doesn't mean it's proven that god does not exist but at least I hope it makes a strong point in stating that there is no way to proof it exists either. \n Why all this matters for me - first off all it's interesting. Not that I'm going to look for nice god, but at least getting an idea of why the universe came to existence would be greatly entertaining. But it can be only interesting when there is something new brought into the discussion. So if you know something, please add it here. hardly I can make a company for you on this topic in most polytheistic religions top deity usually doesn't care much about its creation like Atum in Egypt or Borr in Norse mythology so God's existence is as obvious as your own