The theme for today's writing exercise is somewhat personal - an experienced psychologist could probably pick up a proper term for this but I have to opt to plain words - it's my utter inability to think about what my words or deeds may mean to others. \n It's terribly embarrassing to recollect all those occasions… like when I visited a mother of recently deceased classmate of mine and didn't find anything better to talk about but that the car accident he was killed in was actually his fault. I didn't know that guy closely so I actually didn't care much… fortunately a fired who was with me stopped me but I still can't think about it without pain few years before I kept talking for months about a guy my friend broke with without even realising that it might be quite difficult for her… now seems that I had to be completely blind to not notice this, but I nevertheless I did. I thought I kinda had to get the lesson learned until I found myself falling into same quandary again. And again it's hard to believe for those I've hurt that I did it unknowingly. There should be a psycho exercise or something helping people like me. Maybe getting a habit to count to three until you start saying something… \n Do you know any? that was fun :) it's ok, the wisdom comes with age, when amygdala is grown to its proper size by the way, I haven't seen your March assignment yet its grows stops in late teens so no hope? 😭😭😭 🙈