So this is a follow up of the discussion we had last Sunday. The question was - if one should take literally and accept as truth all what is written in the Bible to be a Christian. Including the claim that Sun and Moon are attached to the sky. The best answer I could come up with was that it's enough to obey Great Commandment - link Then all other stuff, at least what conflicts with reality as we know it today can be understood figuratively, just like a scene description which can be nice or foolish but doesn't not influence the whole plot. \n This seemed to be a workaround, but frankly I didn't feel very well about it. The Bible is still the Bible so it should not be taken freely. Then it came to my head that this actually perfectly falls into the idea of the free will which is given to us so that we can either reject or choose God and willingly strive for atonement. So it's our task to wrap our heads around Bible and do our best to understand it - and the fact that each could end up with his/her own understanding different from all others is actually great. With this in head I went googling the Bible to find where does it say about free will and the way we should use it. I must to acknowledge that so far I haven't found any explicit words about 'free will' and that it's to be used to find the ways for salvation. But there is at least in Romans 10:9-10 where it says “ If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved…” so it implies that you can decide to accept Jesus or not, though says nothing about free will in general. that's exactly what I said before - all the 'free will' philosophy thing comes from the guys like Giordano Bruno and you'd be well on the bonfire for heresy should your tried to blurp anything about it in old good times we'll see what else I can find this can be great for society, science or ordinary people but not for the cult which needs unimousity and uniformity. cult is integral part of any society so what is good for people is good for church